Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Under Rug Swept

The time has come for me to start anew.
A Clean slate perhaps? Oh who knows. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Nobody does. I just know now that this crazy world has brought so much to my lap and Now I am trying to decipher what the good is and where to place all of the bad.
I love blogging. I always seem to feel so much better after I vent my world into words that only I truly feel and understand. Yes. You might be able to relate to what I am writing but I am the only one who truly feels my words.
Writing to me is my ultimate escape. It is my safety net from all around me. It keeps me warm when I feel cold. It makes me smile when I am sad and it relieves my anger tremendously when I am mad at the world. And mad at the world I am.... alot.
Why? I can't really pin point the reasons at the moment. I am sure you will read eventually the reasons, from my point of view. You may not even agree with me on alot of things, however I will guarantee that my life will entertain you and maybe help you in alot of ways. My trials, my errors, my smooth roads and the bumpiest ones too. The mistakes I have made...that I will make again I am certain, will hopefully reach out to someone. I want my world and my life, my love, my honor, my heart and my mind, if nothing else, to be someone elses knowledge. I know that sounds crazy. I just wish for everyone, what I never had. A sense of knowing. A sense of understanding. My name is Katie. I am 31 years old. I have seen more things in my 31 years than a ninety year old woman will see in her lifetime. I lived the life of Riley, I have lived in the streets. I have been in a homeless shelter, I have lived in a mansion. I was raised by loving parents and given wonderful opportunities and I have blown most of them.
I am a single mother to a beautiful, talented, amazing daughter. My daughter saved my life. She is my world, my heart and my entire life.
What do I want in life?
I want happiness. I want to wake up every day and not have to worry. I want laughter. I want love. I can't wait to fall in love. When will that happen? hahaha! I ask myself that question every day of my life....
I don't know if it will ever truly happen to me but I embrace the hope that lives deep inside of my heart....
The three things that I hope, dream, wish and yearn for sound so simple to me. Love, Laughter and Happiness. Such simple words yet are by far the most difficult things to come by...for me anyway.
Well.. There you have it. The short summary of who I am and what I am searching for.... I only hope and pray that my next 30 years are easier and full of good friendships and lots of love and happiness. ... and of course laughter.

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