Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Some things that wouldn't fit in the "About Me" section

I am stupendously complicated. I am the funniest person you will ever meet. I love to laugh. I am a single mother. I have one beautiful and amazing daughter. I have never been in love. I can't wait to know what that feels like. I love mustard on my hotdogs, onions on my pizza. I love fake eyelashes, make up and fuzzy socks. I love to kiss in the rain. I love to catch snowflakes on my tongue. I love to skinny dip in the Atlantic Ocean in the wee hours of the night. I love twirling my hair. I love the feeling of satin on my skin. I sleep crooked in bed and need atleast 5 pillows. I don't like the way shoes feel on my feet but I love the way they look so I have a bazillion pairs. I like coordination, although I don't have much. I like apples and carrotsticks. Lobster and wine. Fried Dough and egg nog. I don't like Caviar or Champagne... unless you put a strawberry in the champagne.. then I can drink it. I love Mexico and I can't wait to go to Italy someday. I will only go to Italy when I fall in love and he comes with me. I alphabetize my cd's and dvd's. I dislike laundry on the floor, dishes in the sink, seaweed, and the sound of teeth grinding or nails scraping. I tend to push people away. I don't have an explanation for why but I am trying to work on it. I am also trying to stop cussing and smoking cigarettes. I guess I could have alot worse "fixes" but I am still trying to quit smoking. It nauseates me. I don't know why I even do it. I want to live in Miami someday on the beach and vacation in Las Vegas, California and Hamilton Bermuda. I want to get the hell out of Boston thats for sure. It's just so hard for me because I have so much much family and a huge support system for my daughter and I. I love to write. It is my saving grace. Truly. It cleanses me and gives me a sense of security and freedom. Someday I would love to finish my book.
But... I am a procrastinator and my past experience with hopes and dreams?? Well let's just say I don't have such a great track record...

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