Saturday, February 9, 2008

Current mood: forgotten

I just want you to know.....
that when the going gets tough
I get tougher,,,,
They say things get easier with time........Well....
I may still be waiting for time to come around but I am still going to wake up, smile and go.......
After all I've been through.... Nothing will stop me. Nothing.
So..... For all the dead beats, scumbags, piece of shit fathers who think that picking up your daughter, taking her to eat and then calling it a night is what a father is all about.... and for the super dads who have a pile of Christmas presents under the tree from "dad", while the moms spend their last cent on the pile under her tree from "Santa"..... and then trying to explain herself to her daughter why mommy doesn't buy her presents but daddy does.... and for the great dad who degrades the moms, belittles them, and makes the children believe that the moms made you go away or that the moms are the bad ones... and the kids believe you because they want your attention and love SO bad because they never had it before....... Keep influencing them. Go ahead.
My daughter will someday know who "Santa" really was. She will someday realize why "Daddy had to go". She will figure out your cheap 20 minute dinner trips and how many basketball games you missed (but guess who was sitting on the bench each game? Mom was.) Even though she yells at me and makes me sad because daddy wasn't at her game. Even though she blames me for your absenteeism and your lack of concern. Yes. I cry. My feelings are hurt but she only hurts me because YOU hurt her. She only hurts me because she knows I will NEVER hurt her back. She only yells and swears and curses at me because she knows I will NEVER leave her. She knows she is my life and I am her dog to kick.
She loves you for every second you give her. You can do NO wrong in her eyes. ...for now anyway. She cherishes every moment she is with you because deep down, she doesn't truly know when you will be around again. And she doesn't DARE hurt you or yell at you or back talk you. Shes too fucking afraid that you'll leave her. Shes too scared that you'll go away again. She's horrified she will never have her daddy back if she makes him angry.

I can't WAIT until she is old enough to hear and face the truth.
Until then, I will allow her to live this illusion of your fantastic fatherhood. Your brilliant, nurturing, loving ways. Never will she hear a negative remark about you. Ever.
However, I pray that when she does realize, and my God she will, how much of a scumbag piece of shit you really are, I truly pray for your heart. I hope what she says to you does not come close to what I have had to endure out of her mouth. Her hatred towards me because of YOU. You and your scumbag ways.
Fuck you. Fuck your sick fucking mental ways. Fuck your life, your everything.
I am done picking up your pieces and I am done sugarcoating your ways.
I should have sent you away a long time ago when I could have.
Oh and you can thank your daughter, you know... the beautiful angel you love to destroy.... yeah her... thank her someday for saving your life. Because on God Almighty above, You could have been dead 10x over already.


Camron said...

The lessons you teach will not be lost on your daughter. I know, I lived it. My parents divorced when I was very young & My mom raised us. WHile I was almost always in the middle of their fights, I saw for myself who they were as people.
When My ex wife and I divorced I remembered those lessons. I was never late on a child support check, I never missed a football game or a play, and I took full advantage of every second I could get with my son until his mom finally gave me custody when he didn't fit into her new husbands plans.
I have never berated her to him and actively push him to love & respect his mother as his mother. But someday he will see her as a person and there is nothing I can do to help her then.
Sorry... Rambling. Good Luck to you & your Daughter.

Yours Truly, Katie said...

Wow! Thank you so much for that. I am glad to know that you atleast learned from your upbringing. Unfortunately it isn't typical. I too, wish you and your son the best of luck. I still struggle daily but I know my time will come/ I will wait patiently....